Thermal greases play an important role in managing the temperature of microprocessors in electronics. They have incredibly low contact resistances, and are able to completely fill any air gaps left between a processor and the heat removal system when they are applied. Furthermore, they are highly versatile, easy to apply, and reliable, making them an excellent tool for keeping electronics cool and operating efficiently. Temperature management is a crucial component in electronics design; as electronics become smaller and more powerful they also produce more heat in a smaller volume, which if not removed effectively will destroy reliability and significantly decrease product lifespan.
SinoGuide offers a variety of thermally conductive gap filler materials in many formats including silicone, non-silicone, pads, putty and dispensable. TCP series Gap Filler materials offer a range of thermal conductivities, hardnesses and thicknesses. Our line of TCG series Gap Filler materials have been designed to achieve desired thermal resistance between electrical components in today's advanced electronics designs.
Silicone, Non-silicone and thermal grease products
Two-part dispensable products available
Thermal conductivity up to 5 W/mK
Ideal for applications where thin bond lines and conformability are desired
Low compression force required
Low stress on components during assembly
RoHS and HF Compliant
Good surface wetting